Tips For Orthopedic Facilities Purchasing C-Arms

Orthopedic facilities require a lot of technical equipment to assess patients in different ways. One of the more important is a c-arm, which is a medical imaging device that lets orthopedic specialists study bone structures in an in-depth way. If this technical machine is needed for your practice, take these steps. Consider a Refurbished Model If you want to spend less on a c-arm machine, then you can always buy a refurbished model. [Read More]

Features To Look For In A Mammography Gown

If you operate an OBGYN office or a mammography center, it can be nice to offer your patients mammography gowns to change into. These gowns offer more privacy than the typical hospital gown, and since they open in the front, they make it easier for the practitioner to examine the breasts without the patient having to fully remove the garment. There are quite a few mammography gowns on the market, though, and choosing the best ones for your clients is not always easy. [Read More]

Are You Starting a Mobile Medical Imaging or Pathology Business? Which Machines or Services to Consider

If you are looking to create a mobile medical service, there are many considerations if you are willing to invest the money and hire the right professionals. Some people cannot go out of the house because of transportation concerns, scheduling, and more. Having the medical services come to you instead of hauling to a crowded medical center is something many people want and need. Here are some of the considerations to make if you want to invest and start up any of these patient care service businesses. [Read More]

CPAP Supplies 101: Caring For And Replacing Your CPAP Supplies

When your doctor has prescribed a CPAP for you when you sleep, it's important that you understand how to properly care for the device and all of the supplies that go with it. When your CPAP is properly maintained and cared for, it will be more effective and healthier. Here's a look at what you need to know about maintaining your CPAP and replacing your CPAP supplies to keep your system at its best. [Read More]